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Lengthening an XJ rear driveshaft.


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Has anyone lengthened a rear XJ driveshaft to use in a swb. Comanche. Fixxen to do my 4wd. swap and plan on shortening my rear MJ shaft.The driveshaft shop is around 90 miles away,Spoke with the owner over the phone.He said he'd do it while I waited to save me from making a return trip.My only concern is the rubber centered 2wd. driveshaft and possible ballancing issues .If that becomes a problem I need a plan B .I'd rather pay more to retube the XJ shaft than hunt down the proper shaft and have to make the 180 mile round trip again.Plus the truck will be down till that's resolved.Thanks in advanced

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I had my MJ 2wd shaft with the rubber outer tube cut and balanced in a few hours at a shop. No issues at all, though he did look at it first and said he never saw that before. No vibes at 85, so I'd say it's good. I know that doesn't answer your question about the XJ shaft, but it does give you an answer to "can the MJ 2wd shaft be cut and balanced". 

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Shortening is simple. Lengthening is a lot more involved. It requires re tubing the shaft. They basically only use the ends. It is also about 4-6 times the cost of shortening depending on the diameter and wall thickness of the tube you choose.

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