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New MJ owner with questions

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6 quarts of 10w-30. And you have to remove the instrument bezel to gain access to the radio. It's that big plastic piece that surrounds all your gauges, radio, environment control, etc. Screws are kinda hidden underneath, but easy to get to. 


Welcome to the forum! Alot of new members lately. 

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Sean is correct about the oil capacity, but I will say this much on the topic:  When I do an oil change, I typically only end up putting in a little under 5.5 quarts after everything is said and done, so put in 5 quarts and check it after 20 minutes and add whatever it needs.

The bezel is a piece of cake to remove.  There are 4 screws that hold it in place.  One screw is above the headlamp switch, the next is above the cigarette lighter plug (must be pulled out to gain access), the next two are above where the instrument cluster opening is.  After you remove those, just give a light tug on the bottom-right corner to get the tension clips out.  It's can be out in less than two minutes.


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hi every one, just picked up an 88 comanche and need some help..

first, how many quarts of oil does the 4.0L motor hold with filter

second, how does one get  the radio out?


thanks, looking forward to a new toy

Click on the link in my signature below and do posts 1 through 5 as a matter of course and save yourself from some future headaches. 


Welcome to the addiction.

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