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Yet Another Stuck Ax-15 Fill Plug, Hopefully A Stupid Question

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Hey everybody, I've been trying to change the fluid in my '89 4.0 5-speed for about a week now. Started off getting interrupted by surprise storms, then realized I didn't have a 15/16" wrench so I ordered one, then realized I've got a seriously stuck fill plug and it looks like the previous owner lent it to a teething baby 'cause it's all kinds of chewed up.


Couldn't get it off with the 15/16" and started doing some research. Been soaking it in a little WD-40 but I'm about to go pick up some PB Blaster. Saw a few mentions of trying a pipe wrench, but that didn't work. Also saw mention of hitting it with a torch but haven't tried that yet. So my question, and I'm hoping it's a very stupid and unnecessary one but it probably can't hurt to ask... Righty tighty, lefty loosey, correct? Been trying to remove the plug in the direction I'd expect it to loosen, but I'm going to feel like a real idiot if this thing is threaded the other way for some reason.


Also should mention that I haven't drained the fluid so I'm not in a position where I've had to pull the shifter and fill it that way, and the truck shifts fine, but I bought it last month and I have no idea when it was last changed so I'd sure like to get it done.


Thanks in advance!

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Had the same problem. and mine was out of the car. I finally installed in the truck and used the backup lite sender hole as a guide. Filled er up till it came out and drained a little to where I thought it should be.

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Thanks Mike, I'll keep that in mind. I also had the realization that I was probably wasting my time with the WD-40 I had lying around, so I just ran and grabbed some PB Blaster since that stuff appears to be full of witchcraft. Gave it a spray and I'll have another go tomorrow.

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I used the biggest pair of vice grips I could find on mine and had to hit them with a hammer to get it loose.


Thanks for the reminder, I forgot to order a replacement plug.

Ha, same here. Got a pair of vice grips locked right down at it and still couldn't get it to budge without slipping off. Even tried running a ratchet strap from a section of the frame to the vice grips but it still slipped off. Been spraying it with PB Blaster and haven't given it a try since, but had the realization that I don't need to carry on till I have a replacement plug to put in so I'm going to postpone the headache till I get one. In other news, if anyone's got a bucket full of fill plugs they can part with, let me know.

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 The vice grips & pipe wrench both failed me.  I did find a replacement fill plug somewhere along the way and looked closely at it.  The center of the bolt is hollow, which is why cutting the od away in pieces worked.  When I took enough pressure off the bolt to trans mating surface I was finally able to turn it.

  FYI drain and fill plug both have the same thread, if memory serves.  The drain plug is solid and magnetic but I don't see why it wouldn't work in the fill location.

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 The vice grips & pipe wrench both failed me.  I did find a replacement fill plug somewhere along the way and looked closely at it.  The center of the bolt is hollow, which is why cutting the od away in pieces worked.  When I took enough pressure off the bolt to trans mating surface I was finally able to turn it.

  FYI drain and fill plug both have the same thread, if memory serves.  The drain plug is solid and magnetic but I don't see why it wouldn't work in the fill location.

That's some good info to have, thank you. I'm going to call the dealer tomorrow and see if they can find me a plug too. Read somewhere a fella was trying to find a replacement and didn't want to pay the $8 the dealer was asking, but honestly I'm fine with that just to get on with my life. Seems like finding a fill plug would be easier considering the hoops a lot of folks seem to have to jump through to pry one of these buggers out!


Really I was just beginning to wonder if the fill plug wasn't reverse threaded, but I'm guessing not since I can't find mention of it anywhere. I'm just shocked that after all the work it still hasn't scooted at all!

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Does anyone else agree that the fill and drain plugs are threaded the same? At this point I've found two places online that have replacement drain plugs for less than $5 but I can't for the life of me find the fill plug! Even called the dealer in town and was told they didn't know these were "still in circulation" and that it was listed "non-serviceable" which has me a little confused. Was also suggested that I pull the fill plug and take it to Lowe's to see if I can match it up, which is fine but I'd rather not pull the plug until I can replace it with a new one if possible!


Again, I've still got fluid in my transmission so I'm fine to wait for a replacement fill plug if anyone has any ideas!



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I just checked mine.  My first try couldnt get it to turn.  After a shot of PB Blaster, I used a 15/16 wrench (with a helper wrench for leverage), it came off. 


Lefty Loosy.

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I just checked mine.  My first try couldnt get it to turn.  After a shot of PB Blaster, I used a 15/16 wrench (with a helper wrench for leverage), it came off. 


Lefty Loosy.

Ha, thanks man. Glad I wasn't mistaken. I did find a replacement fill plug this afternoon. $5 for the plug and $20 for the shipping. I, uh, I'm going to go ahead and swing by the salvage yard tomorrow and see what I come up with. I just can't fathom $20 shipping unless it's coming from a parts bin on another planet.

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There is a washer on the drain plug.  The filler plug did not have one (at least, mine doesnt).


Parts catelog has the following:


Filler, Plug #8350 0623

Gasket, Plug #8350 0513

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There is a washer on the drain plug.  The filler plug did not have one (at least, mine doesnt).


Parts catelog has the following:


Filler, Plug #8350 0623

Gasket, Plug #8350 0513

My fill definitely doesn't have a gasket either. As far as the drain plug, is it a crush washer that needs changing when it's removed? Sorry for my ignorance but I want to learn as much as I can (ideally without getting into a bind first!).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd update. Ten days later and I haven't had a chance to try to extract the fill plug till tonight. Tried to order a replacement but didn't want to spend $20 shipping for a $5 plug from the factory overstock site so I bought a drain plug to see if it would fit, and it arrived the other day. Been sidetracked by a broken CCV grommet in the front vacuum harness and putting on a nice new Fel-Pro gasket. Went out to try again and other than a thoroughly tenderized elbow I got nothin'. Working flat on the ground without a jack/stands and the ol' vice grips slid off and I wacked my arm countless times, and the ten days of bathing in PB Blaster didn't help. Tried to Dremel a notch and tap it loose with a chisel but the plug seems to have been milled out of butter. It just melts in place. Going to drain it and fill through the shifter tomorrow just so I can quit staring at four perfectly new bottles of fluid and try and get the plug it with a torch another time (the one obvious tactic I haven't tried yet). Really appreciate the help everybody. Like I said, I'm new to 90% of this but I've been reading up like a madman and I really want to do all my own work and learn as much as I can. This forum is fantastic help.

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