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How bored do you get at work?

Kenosha Warrior

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I'll bet you encounter a higher percent of people that are armed than do street cops.

It's pretty safe to say that 100% of the hunters, 75% of the fishermen, and 50% of the general public that ventures into my beat are armed. But, so am I :hate banana:

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My last job was the most boring job that I could imagine.

It was at the junkyard, and my job was to wander the yard, find all the tires spread throughout, and stack them in piles. After that, I was supposed to pick them up with a truck and throw them in a larger stack.


I might have set a record by quitting 45 minutes into my first day.


I start work tomorrow at Schuck's Auto Supply. They all know me by name in there anyways, and it's not as dirty and I hope less monotonous, so we'll see how that goes.

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congrats KYMJ on your cert. Its a great thing to have. I did my FF I/II 5 yrs ago. I am now an instructor. I love the FD and teaching tech classes now. Makes life a lil more interesting.


Got FFII today, guess I'm qualified to stay.

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