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Axle Breather Hoses With Long Arm

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If you run a longer length of regular tubing you can use a light tension return spring clipped around the hose and attached to the body that will allow the hose to droop when needed but will pull it back up at ride height so it isn't dangling. This works with longer brake lines, too, but you may have to use a stronger spring.

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I run my front axle vent tube up the upper control arm, I have it ziptied to the arm, then it goes up the firewall to over the brake booster in the engine compartment.   My rear axle I just have a long hose running straight up to the bed, then forward to the brake booster in the engine compartment.  I used 3/8" clear tubing for all of them, since its cheap.

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I run my front axle vent tube up the upper control arm, I have it ziptied to the arm, then it goes up the firewall to over the brake booster in the engine compartment. My rear axle I just have a long hose running straight up to the bed, then forward to the brake booster in the engine compartment. I used 3/8" clear tubing for all of them, since its cheap.


Why are you applying vacuum to your axles?

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