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Comanche Tail Lights Nightmare

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I'm working on figuring out my reverse lights, but I keep running into snags. Now the first one comes from where I thought the harness from the transmission plugged in. When I tried to clip the wires, they arced, and I didn't think that reverse lights had power at all times, even when the vehicle is off. I didn't seem to blow any fuses, but when I did remove the turn signal back up fuse, it no longer arced, and I don't know if that's because of the fuse or not. Since I'm running a split harness(94/88) it's kind of hard for me to diagnose. 


The other problem is this.


Some wired are connected. Some aren't. Some are lugged together and each light has a bunch of wires going in. Does anybody have a wiring diagram for the tail light harness. The one I have is too generic. Or can anyone give me some pics of their tail lights all hooked up, so I can see what is and isn't supposed to be. I can already tell that I don't have anything running to the reverse lights except the one black wire on the drivers side. 

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