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'97 And Up Conversion

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For those of you that have completed this conversion, for the majority, is it plug and play?


Can you list any problem areas and/or parts that are not commonly on a 4.0 4wd donor, and possibly a direct link to your documented fix? I know you guys/gals are very good with helping and explaining to others. I will also add links, once I gain clearance from the member whose thread I plan to link to.


I can't find my answer without going through multiple AWESOME build threads, and believe this site and its members will benefit with a comprehensive and devoted thread to the topic.


I asked these questions in my 'build' thread, but it rightfully does not see much traffic. I will hopefully be converting from a 4 cyl to the 4.0/auto and adding 4wd if the donor is so equipped.


If there is a thread like this, mods delete this one. If not, and it gains traction, I believe it would be Sticky worthy.


Thanks in advance.



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