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Shift Boot - Mini Console Issue

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So as lucky would have it...at the Pull-A-Part yesterday and came home with a new(er) ( to me ) shift boot WITH the bezel for my mini console. The old boot was in SAD shape with holes large enough to almost put your hand through. 


As the same lucky would have it it will NOT stay clipped into the console. It is stiffer that the old wore out one. 


Need suggestions ( other than sell it all to you ( my buddy told me that one already))



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A plasticizer might liven it up considerably.


Now for the bad news: unfortunately, I haven't been able to get any for about 10 years now, and I don't even remember the brand name of the rather excellent one I used to get for vinyl. I think they got pulled from the market because of the health hazard: if memory serves, the plasticizers (for vinyl at least) turned out to be a synthetic mimic of estrogen and caused all sorts of heath problems if taken into the human body. It was pretty readily absorbed through the skin, so you'd have to be really careful if you could even get it. I am trying to find a source from China, but it is not a major focus of mine at the moment so I can't help you there any time soon.


If your alternative is to through the boot away, before you do you might try brake fluid to liven it up. If left on too long it would probably do more harm than good (making the rubber too soft), but careful application and removal of the excess not absorbed (washing should do it) might yield results for some amount of time. Worth a try before you trash it.

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