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2.8L V6 Vacuum Help Needed.

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So I have the sucky 2.8L 1986 Comanche.. I love having a Comanche - I hate that its carburated, and emissioned out to the Nth degree..


I inhereted it with the Vacuum issues, it runs - hard to start(but that might be the fuel pump/fuel line not staying primed) - It has no top end to it, like the 2nd barrel never opens. 


My remedy is in progress -  I have removed the whole air pump/air injection into the exhaust crap and capped the holes on the exhaust manifolds.

I went to work on the vacuum system, I can't seem to find the "C" port on the carb..


** My question is - what do I HAVE to HAVE hooked up for the vacuum system, and what can I eliminate??


Thanks in Advance,  D

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It's your Jeep. Hook up or unhook whatever you want to.How ever I'm assuming you asked because you want to improve engine performance. My experience is based on a '86 MJ with a blown 2.8. I swapped the engine with one from a '91 S10. Had to swap the intake manifold and carb so as not have to fool with the TBI set up. Kept the serpentine belt set up with the S10 engine. By the time I got thru the only vacuum hoses still hooked up was to the distributor,  the choke and the primary and secondary plates.. Removed all hoses going to the air cleaner. plugged holes as necessary. It was an improvement. Now It can almost keep up with my '87 2.5.

There are four ports on the front of the carb. From left to Right, from the drivers seat, they are B,A,D and C.

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--inajeep726,  yeah in time I might do a motorswap, but it runs and drives, just looking for improvements I can do without really tearing into it for the time being.... and when I do, it will probably be a Mercedes 3.0 TDI  -- I am a diesel nut..


--jimoshel  --thanks for the response.. the distributo advance is connected to where on the other end..  Also i know the owner before me had a NEW carb put on..(I have the paperwork on it) but it only has 3 vacuum connection on the front, 2 small ones, both labeled A,and B, and a larger one. I have a small tube left that should be going to D --Oh well, i might take a trip or call the carb place, as it has a lifetime warranty. 


So with the assumption that I need very little hooked up, what do I do with the ABCD connections on the carb plug them up?

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