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Total Noob Question

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...but I've been on some pretty strong meds and only sleeping for a few hours a night for the past week or so lately, so I'm not quite thinking straight.


Was in a rush and dumped some oil in the rig a few weeks ago, spilled what was IMO quite a bit all over the place. Wiped up what I could and hosed off the rest, figured since the thing is just sitting it'd be fine by the time I got around to it again.


Just today I drained that oil and stuck in some new along with some leak seal stuff to try and slow down my rear main until it can be fixed, didn't spill any this time. yay


Start the thing up and it's smoking pretty bad out from under that shield that is under the fuel rail, above the manifolds. It also after running for a few seconds, maybe 10-15 or so, bogs down and starts sounding like it might die. So I shut it down and I'm looking all over the best I can to try and figure out if it's something serious or just the spilled oil doing its thing, and that's when I hear a very noticeable tick every few seconds. Can't tell exactly where it's coming from but sounds "down in"...


Smoke is coming out from by the bolt the most (which looking at that pic again I see there is still oil there on the shield), but is really seeping out all along the gap/edge of the shield there in the middle section.




I'm exhausted and not thinking straight so I gave up, decided to call my plans for the day and figured I'd just explain things on here for some insight while I just go lay down maybe.

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Sounds like it's just fine and just burning off the spilled oil off the exhaust manifold. As for the bogging down check the oil level again to make sure it's good, and when you hosed off the old oil you might have gotten some water in a connector or around the distributor or something that just needs to be burnt off or heated up with the engine running to evaporate.

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Just go drive it as normal (an hour at highways speeds should do it) and see if the spilled oil doesn't all just burn off enough to stop smoking. Keep an eye on your oil pressure gauge (just like you always do, right? ;)) and you'll be safe enough.


Wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out for leaks elsewhere, too.

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Oil pressure gauge, what's that? No seriously, that gauge is shot. Just rests to the right, completely horizontal. Have not had time to figure out if it is the gauge or the sender. Originally had idiot lights I believe, gauges were swapped in. Previous owner stuff, I'll send him a text tomorrow and ask for sure.


Something I forgot to mention, the exhaust was also smoking pretty bad. Granted it was pretty cold out (40*F), but this stuff was thick. From both the exhaust and the manifold area it was all white though, or at least I didn't notice a blue hue. If the manifold bolts were loose enough, and water got in there from when I hosed off the oil spillage, is it possible that's what it is? Even after it being about two weeks since doing that?


Won't be able to do anything until Monday at least, so I'll keep taking everyone's insight and put it all to good use then.

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