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Relay Id.

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Can anyone identify these relays? Located on the right hand fender well. I can't find sh*t on them in my FSM, Haynes or Chilton manuals. 1987 MJ. 4.0. 5 speed.

Drove the truck yesterday. Ran fine. Went out this AM and it wouldn't start. Been messing with it all day. Got gas. Got spark. Weak but a spark at the plugs. It tries but just won't go. :dunno:

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From left to right:


O2 sensor relay

Fuel Pump relay

B+ Latch relay

A/C relay


but you know the drill Jim - try unplugging and re-plugging the CPS...it might be that.... :hmm:


You know, it's the opposite order for me on my '88 XJ...  The A/C relay is all the way on the left in mine and the O2 is the far right... Same with my '90 XJ donor.  What's up with that?


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Yeah, my 88 and 89 MJ are the same as your diagram, but (for some odd reason) Alldata shows it reversed for 87.


From left to right:


O2 sensor relay

Fuel Pump relay

B+ Latch relay

A/C relay


but you know the drill Jim - try unplugging and re-plugging the CPS...it might be that.... :hmm:


You know, it's the opposite order for me on my '88 XJ...  The A/C relay is all the way on the left in mine and the O2 is the far right... Same with my '90 XJ donor.  What's up with that?


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