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I Looked The Window And Saw This...


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I was in the house watching TV when i heard a thump sound out side, I looked out the window and found Charlie curled up on the cab of mt MJ.




The last week so so it had been raining everyday so I guess that was the only dry spot she could sun herself..  Guess I won't need to worry about the neighbor's cats getting on mt Comanche now lol

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The look on her face is priceless: "what?"


This would go great here: http://comancheclub.com/topic/38438-jeeps-best-friend/

All the expressions my Dogs give are amazing, they each have their own personality and the looks they give you are clear indicator of what they are thinking.





Thing that always made me laugh is that my heeler could sit anywhere in the car when I'm not in it,

But he HAS TO sit in my seat, the drivers seat. Guarding the steering wheel or my spot or sumthin.

I don't know why but all 3 of my dogs like to get in My seat, Charlie will jump in the Jeep the moment the door is opened. Once i opened the rear lift gate on the WK and she climbed over my 15" sub past the kennel and made into my drivers seat... then getting her out of the WK is a task as she Does not want to get out and she will do her best to evade you lol.
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