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Woohoo! Old Xjer, New Mjer!! First ? About A Seat Swap

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hey all! I'm a 5 time XJer and a first time MJer!

i just bought an '88 pioneer 4.0/ auto 2wd. it has a crap paint job on it that looks pretty good from 5 feet away. 2 feet if parked in the shade. and a crappier bedliner job but, it's solid and runs like a 4.0. man its nice to have a 4.0 sitting in the driveway again. 

first question...seats! i drove this girl 3 hours home the day i got it and my back was KILLING me. someone swapped seats in it and did a poor job of it. after looking at the bracket chart in the informative picture thread i have concluded these seats are sitting on factory bases, not rails, just bases. i have done plenty of searching over the past week and can't find an answer to this question: what seats (other than jeep) have people successfully adapted? my local boneyard has 1 2dr XJ but only the pass seat. i discovered Rodeo front seats recline forward and found a decent pair however, i know some 2dr cars have seats that will not only recline forward but, will slide forward at the same time. i am not opposed to doing the 2 things independently but, just curious if anyone on here has tackled this before. I'm heading to the JY this afternoon armed with a socket set and a tape measure



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Welcome to the Club!  You can use 84-95 XJ seats as a direct bolt on to the MJ slider mounts but the XJ mounts won't work without modification. Any seats other than MJs will need modification. I have not used seats from other makes but several members on here have and can help you out with that.

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yeah, i have the MJ floor brackets only. would love grey 91 laredo seats but, i want access to behind the seat. i KNOW it will only be a matter of time before i want to burn them to the ground if they arent 2dr seats and can lean forward. i combed the yard today and no dice. any seat i use will have to have pretty narrow sliders for me to be able to mate them to the MJ floor brackets. found some late 80's celica seats in good shape and the style complimented the late 80's MJ interior but, like all the seats out there their sliders pretty much rode the outer edges of the seats. can anyone tell me what the normal seat bottom height is?

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Don't know about the normal seat bottom height as my old bench is long gone and my XJ seats on fabricated brackets may not be the same height as stock MJ seats. BUT, if you have the MJ brackets you can easily adapt almost any seat to them with a little fabrication. Something as simple as some 1/4" flat bar bolted or welded to the brackets and bolted or welded to the seat sliders can work. If the sliders are bolted to the seats, you can just take them off and use the MJ sliders in the same manner.

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If you have the MJ bench seat floor brackets...all you need to do is get some pre 95 XJ buckets, remove (drill or grind) the XJ floor brackets from the sliders and they will bolt directly to the  MJ floor brackets without any further modification.  If they are post 95 XJ seats, you'll need to bolt those up with some flat stock (or angle I suppose).


You might ask "don't I need two brackets per side?"  The answer is NO...one bracket per side.  Turn the seat upside down, you'll see.


I've done this twice...the first time it took me about 1.5 hours trying to figure it out...the second time it took me 30 minutes from old seat out to new seat in.  Piece of cake.


However, do NOT use the curved bottom rocker (rocket) slider seats unless you are under 5' 6" as they sit a good three inches higher than regular seats when installed in the MJ.

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