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Trans Noise

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I have an 88 4.0L with the ba10/5 5 speed. When i am on the freeway and get up to 65mph in fifth gear there is a strange sound that comes from what sounds like the where the shift lever enters the top of the tanny. Sounds like someone put a bunch of BBs in a can and the shook it on  a paint shaker, high pitched. If i put my hand one the shifter and apply pressure in any direction it goes away (very little pressure). Also if i let off the gas it goes away (while still in gear)


What do you guys think. The car still drives fine it is just super annoying  :fs1:. 

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Mine makes a noise like I've got a chain dragging under my tranny in 5th gear. And it sounds like I have a supercharger in gears 1, 2, and 3. I figure I'll just drive it until there's some kind of problem, then I'll have to do some improvisions to the 2wd tranny I still have if I can't find a 4wd 10/5.

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Ya as of just a few hundred miles ago they were both fine. This noise has been there since i bought the truck. It seems to only do it when the trany is nice and warm, this morning i drove it about 30 miles city/highway and it did not do anything. IDK what to think, lol

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