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Dead, Dead Battery?? I'm Up A Tree!!

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So, please don't flame me, I'm just desperate and this is the only place I can turn for a decent answer this early in the morning...please don't send me to ricer forum hell BUT...


In GENERAL terms, an OBD II Japanese vehicle, 2002, with the interior lights left on all night. Only minimal juice left, just enough to show very dim lights. Jumped to start, ran fine all the way to work...25 miles on mostly highway at 55-75 mph.


Died at the bottom of the off ramp as soon as it dropped to idle. I was able to start it up and drive it the other 1 mile on surface streets. Was at work for 1 hour or so. Went out to see if the battery had charged up. No go, Back to the very dim lights.


Would the culprit here a battery that has just given up after 4 years of me occasionally accidentally draining it or is it something else. I have had to replace the alternator before...when it goes bad the airbag and brake warning light and the CEL all flash. I have no CEL or other indicators that the alternator has gone south...


Any help appreciated..

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I would be pretty suspicious of that battery... 4 years old and left to drain overnight is a pretty good indicator that you may have a bad cell making for a tired battery. Yes, jumpstarting it and letting it run for a while SHOULD recover the battery... but if the battery is iffy, it may never recover fully. Jumpstart it again and take it to a parts store and have them load-test the battery... or just go ahead and replace it since it's 4 years old and will need replacing soon anyway.

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I would be pretty suspicious of that battery... 4 years old and left to drain overnight is a pretty good indicator that you may have a bad cell making for a tired battery. Yes, jumpstarting it and letting it run for a while SHOULD recover the battery... but if the battery is iffy, it may never recover fully. Jumpstart it again and take it to a parts store and have them load-test the battery... or just go ahead and replace it since it's 4 years old and will need replacing soon anyway.


Yep, hard draining an old battery nearly always kills them. I have done the 30mph drive in first gear to keep enough power generated from the alternator to get home.

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Thanks for the input. I left all my testing stuff at home and I could not drive it to AZone. Co-worker loaned me his car, quick trip to Wally World $80...back on the road. :thumbsup:


After taking a second look at the battery, I bought it in 2007. 6+ years...not bad, I wonder what accessories will start working right again. Poor little car.


P.S. I'm still waiting for a reply from the Nissan Forum. Nothin'!

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