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One More 4X4 Swap Question

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sorry for another one of these questions but I couldnt find what I was looking for with the search. anyway I have a 90 comanche with auto trans and 4.0. will a 93 cherokee with 4.0 auto trans work for the 4x4 swap. I can't get the motor id have to use my 4.0 he wants to keep the h.o

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Mechanical speedo doesn't matter.


The 93 will have a different spline count on the transfer case input shaft, so you can't swap over just the transfer case, you will have to swap the transmission and the transfer case together. But the 93 transfer case will work fine with the mechanical speedo cable. You'll have to retain the CPS from the 90, because the 93 Chrysler CPS doesn't work the same. You'll also need to retain the original 90 flex plate.


The 93 transfer case doesn't have a vacuum port to control the front axle disconnect, but you'll be using the 93 front axle from the donor vehicle so that's a match-up.


It should work.

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