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Soa Conversion

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Simple, really, find an axle (or reuse your old one if not a D35), cut off spring perches (and shock mounts if applicable), buy new spring perches and shock mounts (Ruff Stuff Specialties makes some nice ones), have them welded on, buy new u bolts, get a pair of Cherokee u bolts plates, buy longer shocks and brake hose, possibly have a longer driveshaft made. Lift the front 6.5" to match the rear. That last one is the expensive part. Then you will need larger tires so it won't look funny. 33x10.50 will fit on stock 7" rims, but even without wheels this step is almost as expensive as the front lift. Then because of the larger tires you need to regear the axles. That will probably cost in between the front lift and the tires.


If reusing your old driveshaft, expect to have to replace the old u joints in it soon afterwards. Main thing is to get the pinion angle correct on the new axle.


Total cost will be ~$3000-$3500. The actual SOA conversion is the cheap part, it's everything else that adds up.

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