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Lower Control Arm installation write-up?

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I searched for this but only found torque specs for the control arms.. I am hoping to install some WJ lower control arms on the MJ fairly soon and want to do it right. I want to know where to put the jackstands, on the axle itself, or on the frame/unibody? I don't want the axle to move/push forward once I disconnect the lower control arms, if that makes since?


All help is appreciated




P.S. if there is a link for a 'how to' just message it to me and i will delete this, if this is unneccesary.


Thanks again

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If you do one side at a time with it setting on the ground w. front wheels blocked fore and aft (not jacked up at all), it will work fine. I did the left side LCA first. Whole job took less than an hour with zero rotation of the axle.

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If you do one side at a time with it setting on the ground w. front wheels blocked fore and aft (not jacked up at all), it will work fine. I did the left side LCA first. Whole job took less than an hour with zero rotation of the axle.




You assume way too much. You have to know someone will remove both sides at once. I never assume that anyone understands anything I say. Err on the side of caution.

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You assume way too much. You have to know someone will remove both sides at once. I never assume that anyone understands anything I say. Err on the side of caution.


I don't assume anything. That's why I posted. :nuts:

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