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1990 2.5L Accelerator cable needed asap! HELP!

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Hey Folks,

Anyone have a 1991 2.5L accelerator cable they would part with asap? The end of my cable is cracked, and will not stay on the accelerator plate (currently safety wired, tho, I'm not sure how long it will hold together) I tried Rock Auto, and they sent me a cable which was incorrect. According to them, I have a 91 (build date of 4/90) and they do not stock the right cable. I tried locally and NOBODY stocks it, not even the dealer! There are no 2.5L's at the U-pull it here, and currently it is -6 degrees out. This is my daily driver...HELP!


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Ok....Correction, It IS a 1990. (I checked and it is a TBI system, I only see the one "big" injector) Regardless, NOBODY seems to have the correct cable!!! my cable is over 27" long. IS there anyone who has the correct cable?


Edit: The title has been corrected!

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Check this out, THIS is the right length cable!......


http://jeeppartsguy.com/products/?view= ... duct_id=35


Calling them in the AM.



That guy is OUT OF HIS FREAK'N GOURD!!!!!!!!!! Compare his prices-


https://jeeppartsguy.com/products/?view ... t_id=89646 His price with no bearings.......no kit.



Other.....Dana with kit- http://www.4wheelparts.com/Drivetrain-a ... mlprox=out

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lsmurphy....He is about $10 more than local for the I6 Accel cable, and about the same for the dealership here. $10 more for the correct cable is OK with me. That ATP cable in your last link is the SAME cable I got from RockAuto...It is NOT the correct length!!! (same part number and everything) And, by the time I got it shipped to me, and then had to ship it back, I was over the cost of getting the right cable the first time. Again...The ATP cable is NOT correct!

So far...between the dealer, RockAuto, and this guy...There is only one choice! Nobody locally carries the cable period. They can't even order it, and most likely if they could, it would also be wrong. I had to actually measure the cable length with a sewing tape to find the correct one.


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