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Body work question w pics

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Hmmm, that looks significant, involving both inner and outer skins. The only sure

fire fix for perforation is new metal, which could be more trouble/effort than finding a

replacement tailgate - if you can. Looks about the same as lower door skin crease

corrosion. I've seen folks glass over stuff like this, and look great for a year or two,

but it always comes back (more accurately said, it keeps growing, just hidden from view).

And I've proven to myself that Ospho, followed with POR-15, only slows down the rate

of decay. It's doubly bad with a crimped lip that retains moisture.

Last year I bought a "just in case" tailgate, and I think it cost around $40. Last week

I almost bought another, but the upper edge was a bit bashed. If you had a donor,

and sheet metal equip (or someone with) you could probably pull off a partial transplant

of the lower edge.

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