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Anyone running a rough country trac bar?

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I'm in the middle of installing my lift and having problems with the rough country adjustable trac bar. I bought the trac bar used and there is no special bracket for it, but i don't think its supposed to have one because it uses a stock tie rod end at the frame side.


my issue is that the tie rod end that goes to the frame mount does not fit into the hole the way it needs to. the taper on the rod end is too large and i can't get enough threads to show at the top to get the castle nut down far enough to where it needs to be.


is anyone else running a rough country trac bar with a rod end that has had this issue? is my only option to ream the mount to the correct taper?


are the xj trac bar mount brackets the same as the mj? because i'm sure this trac bar was meant for an xj.

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had two and never had that problem. if you can get the castle nut on there when you tighten it, it should pull it into the hole enough. if not and it is a decent end, just open the hole a hair but it should pull it through :dunno:

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had two and never had that problem. if you can get the castle nut on there when you tighten it, it should pull it into the hole enough. if not and it is a decent end, just open the hole a hair but it should pull it through :dunno:


I can get the castle nut to be flush with the top of the threads, but not far enough to get the cotter pin through. i already stripped one nut trying to pull it through.


i've been trying different parts stores to see if there are any different rod ends but i haven't had much luck. gonna have to start looking for the right reamer to open up the hole i guess.

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