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Can you explain/post pictures of what you did? I am intrigued more than anything. It sounds like you modified the stock MJ pin.


I swapped 97+ doors to my truck and used the 97+ striker pin.



First i took the stikers nut out by removing the plastic trim behind. take that nut which is flat and rectagular and cut it down so it sits lower. Because the Xj strikers are about an inch lower than the mj. i took the striker itself to a bench grinder and made the diameter smaller than cut the head off the striker as well, fits right in now.

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I think I understand what you did. But, how did you get the nut on the back of the striker to work an inch lower. This is what the striker plate behind the B-pillar looks like.


take the nut out of there and chop it down to just below the hole so it sits lower. might also have to adjust a few other things... the hole in the door jam where the striker is located had to be grinded out a little to bring the whole assembly down...

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