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1988 Jeep Comanche Pioneer

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I love my 88 Jeep Comanche but it's having problem with the way it runs. No problem starting the jeep but when I put it to second gear it loose its power. It will go to 40 mph then it will start chocking and goes down to 10 mph. I have to put it back to 1st gear. 2 mechanic already look at it, installed new battery, new O2 sensor, new muffler and a refurbish relay sensor. The last mechanic left it in front of my house and he moved out of town. In short my jeep is till not fix and $450.00 lost. Its been in my backyard for 8 months. I would like to know if my Jeep is still fixable. Since I saw the "My 1988 Jeep Comanche" I just want my jeep back running again. Please help....


Thank you,


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a problem that i finally found and fixed was---- the sock in the fuel tank was partially plugged, so when i was accelerating at 3000 rpm it would cut out so much it wouldn't run. but once it dropped below 3000 rpm it would run. i chased this for months. new sock, no problemo. :banana:

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Thank you for all your help. I will take all of your response and hopefully I can get my red Comanche fix. I think a new catalyst converter the one I got when I got the new muffler. They told me I have to get a new muffler install to get to the catalyst converter. Thank you all



88 red Comanche pioneer


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