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Rear end leak?

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When I was under my truck today I noticed that around the diff cover on the drivers side it looked like the cover seal was leaking. But I also noticed that the vent hose is ripped off. Could the vent be clogged and I just need to unclog it and replace the hose to stop the leak or do I need to re seal the cover? If it helps I can get a few pics latter. Thanks



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this has nothing to do with your question but did you ever get around to lifting the front of your truck??


No :thwak: And it's killing what ever was left of the front suspension and it makes backing up almost not possible. School is killing me for time and every time I have a free day the 4x4 shop is to busy to do any thing :( so I've just been doing what I can my self. 



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I would repair the vent line and clean up the diff. If more oil shows up, pull the cover and try again.


A pair of jack stands, a jack and set of good metric sockets and wrenchs is all you should need to lift the front. Grab a buddy and do it in the driveway.

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sure the front is slightly harder then the rear to lift but really easy to do. i did mine by myself! of course i had my brother help muscle the axle around once or twice but it can be done. just pick a day and go. what you don't know youll figure out as you get there. I'm telling you.

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