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Donor XJ questions

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Ok. That makes more sense, but I would, personally, use a donor that hasn't been touched by idiots. That one already has a lift, and what is described as issues running.


Not a good idea to start with a basket case. I don't know about you, but I could find a mint XJ country with all the nice interior options and good runner for $2500 all day. As for just a sport with a solid drivetrain? That would be a $1500 jeep.


Rob L.

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1996 was the cross-over year from OBDI to OBDII. As such it had it's share of electrical problems. I've had two; one I bought new in late 95 that spent more time in the Jeep warranty shop than on the road; the second was three years old and was problem free. Probably because all the warranty work was completed. :roll:


Since you did not explain what your purpose for the "donor" is, be advised that there were numerous changes made throughout the 96 year for these, including major changes in the wiring harnesses and the PCMs. I'd make sure that it was a late manufacturing year 96 model, as the early 96's were definite POS's electrically.

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Just did some quick searches on donors for an 86 MJ. I really like the 2 door. The waggy would be an awesome donor too, as the tails are already solid red, and will use the same layout as MJ tails.


Food for thought. :cheers:

Rob L.

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Well I've been looking for a 97 or newer. But its hard to find one for cheap.


For the donor part I'm looking to do a drivetrain swap looking for the 4.0 and the front axle. I'm keeping my rear amc20.

I might also do an interior swap if I can get my hands on a 97 or newer.


I might just go look at this 96 tomorrow for $#!&s and giggles

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