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so i recently swapped out my 87 inline 6 automatic for a 94 inline 6 automatic


me and my father kept most things original couple of sensor swaps


my question is it has a rough idle cold and warm


at some points when driving and come to a red light it will begin to act like its gonna putter and shut off but never does

and if i am at a stop sign on a down hill slope and try to excel up a hill it will have no pick up and act like its gonna shut off


is this something in the throttle body that needs to be cleaned

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i switched out the sensors to make it run the basics for whatever a 94 needs to run


i don't have a knock so the knock sensor isnt needed but it is in


and the distributor is good as well the computer is original i was thinking something along the lines


of the intake manifold if somthing that regulates air to fuel needed cleaned idk

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Did you retain the old 87 wire harness? Or did you swap in the new 94 wire harness? Or are you saying that you just swapped a block and transmission? Which intake did you use, old or new? Which distributor did you use, old or new? Which throttlebody? Which CPS?

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Sounds like a timing issue to me. I believe there is a difference between a Renix and a HO distributor. Since you're still using the Renix computer, you should be using the Renix distributor. Should also be using the knock sensor, although other people have successfully done without. I don't know what all sensors interchange between the two systems, but all the ones that don't should be swapped from the old engine onto the new.


Also, do the ports on the old intake manifold line up with the ports on the new head? I though Chrysler moved the ports up some.

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