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2.8L V6 question

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I got a 1986 Comanche long bed with a 2.8L V6. It has no power or torque to speak of. Being its a Chevy motor and all. Would I be able to swap it out for a 4.3L V6 or 305 V8? I have owned my Comanche for 10 years and figured it is time to fix it up.

Or would it it be easy to change to a 4.0 I6?

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step one is to find out why your 2.8 is gutless. blown rings are bad, but a clogged fuel filter is easy. :thumbsup:


easiest swap is the early 90s 3.4L v6 since it will bolt to your trans, exhaust, accessories, etc. and it's fairly straightforward to wire in the Camaro/Firebrd fuel injection if you go that way.


after that is a 4.0 since if you're going to gut your entire truck, picking up a used XJ will give you a 95% bolt in job.


after that is a 90* chevy engine (4.3, 305 etc). it won't work with anything you've got now, and you'll need lots of custom parts or a big checkbook. (your 2.8 is a 60* engine and shares nothing with the 90* blocks)

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I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. I found an mj locally with a renix 4.0 and a five speed. The engine was just so I had to go for a reman, but everything else was a home run, it just took alot of time. The added power, driveabilitly, mileage and reliability are well worth it.

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