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Quick leaf spring question

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Do MJ leafs have an offset center pin like an XJ?

I've been trying to figure out why my truck pulls, but I think it might be getting pushed by the rear.

I did not do the lift in the rear, my brother put that back together back there while I worked on the front.

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I just looked under mine and it don't LOOK like it. A checked as best I could and they look centered. maybe the perches are welded alittle off??? If they are crooked then you axle will be turned slightly. Just a thought hope you get it fixed.



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perches were done properly. Honestly I'm not even sure if the axle is crooked.

I'm just running over why I can't get this pull to the right fixed.

all TRE's are tight, balljoints are new. usat had an alignment. The alignment may be the problem though, that guy screwed me over fierce.

Looks like I'll be taking a tape measure to it this week.

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just put the 34's on, they're all at the same pressure, this has plagued me since my axle swap/alignment debacle.

Just a slight pull to the right. I'm grasping at straws.

I think I'm going to do a garage floor alignment on turkey day while the wife's at work.

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you know the wheelbase is off a little on the right in order to make the trucks pull to the right (to keep you out of oncoming traffic) and no I'm not making it up... read it from marcus on go-jeep.


could it be taht maybe? amplified by somethng you've done?

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  feerocknok said:
Adjustable control arms?

fixed control arms. but when he set the castor the drivers arm is shimmed to it's limit, while the passenger side is normal.

I really think it's because the guy that did my alignment had no clue what he was doing with a solid front axle vehicle.

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That would make it pull to the right..... Pass side furthur back than the drivers will point the tires slightly to the right. Do an alignment on her with a good tech doing it not some half @$$ mechanic that knows how to run a computer. A tech will usally do it right or just find an oldschool Mechanic that can do it for you.



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Sounds like you have several problems.. First being a bad alignment shop. Go find you an old school alignment shop.. that knows what they are doing. Unless your axle is bent.. there is no reason why the shims are not the same from side to side. It also could be that your trac bar is off centered. You didnt tell us how much lift you have and how long your upper or lower control arms are... It is also possible a worn axle bushing could cause this problem

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it's 3"

stock uppers

skyjacker lowers

all the bushings are new.

replaced when I did the axle swap

trackbar is stock with the axle side mount redrilled to center the axle.

The wandering went away when I replaced the passenger unit bearing.

I really think that it's just the castor being all f-ed up on the drivers side because of the alignment.

This is the same place that put the wrong ball joint sleeves in my knuckles, and they rotated while I was driving and it destroyed my front tires.

I imagine that he did the alignent with the wrong sleeves in, and that would have affected the castor. Then when he replaced them with the proper parts I bet he was lazy and didn't redo the alignment.

Needless to say I'm not satisfied.

I'm going to follow go jeeps procedure this weekend, double check that all bolts are torqued to spec, and that the camber and castor are good.

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