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Best 87 2.5 non stock Camshaft

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If you know of anyone who currently sells anything other than a stock replacement cam, please let me know. I found one place a while back that had a listing, but they seem to be temporarily out of business...




They HAD listings for a selection of performance cams, and the website says that the catalog will be up soon, but it was last updated in April. I too want a cam for an upcoming 2.5 build, but have yet to find one. Mopar no longer carries a 2.5 cam either, and no dealers in the country show to have any on the shelf... I checked! Good luck!

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The one I have in mine now for 60,000 miles, and it did help, is by Delta in Tacoma WA. They are reground. 'course, I have a Clifford header with single in, dual out Flowmaster, and it helps also.




For fuel injected 2.5 they have them in stock. Stock Duration is listed as 240. There's is 248. Stock lift is listed as 406 w/190 at 50%. Theirs is 420 with 200 at 50%. I don't know if its the cam or other things but since putting it in I have possibly a slight lope at idle. This, they say, is the most they could do to not affect either Renix or MP injection computers. Don't know price, but 4 years ago it was less than a stock cam from any supplier.

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