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no electrical at the harness

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well I tried to start the truck and I got no power to the fuel pump


started checking the wires and they are fine I also check the fuel pump (jumped it) worked fine also

then I went to the fuel relay (ceramic thingy on the fender) and it read 1.1 homs as suppose

then I check the power to the 2 or/bk that go there and I got nothing

I also check many wires at the XJ/MJ connections and I got nothing coming out of there


could it be the computer is fried???


86 MJ




I followed the XJ/MJ wirring to the letter I'm sure its fine

the battery is good to

how can I check the comp..

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could be. a fusible link is a short piece of wire designed to fail and protect the rest of the harness. there are a few of them all clustered together somewhere over by the battery. maybe at the starter relay? been a while since I've thought about them. they are funky looking compared to the rest of the harness. the way to inspect them is to pull them and check for continuity.

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lolll forgot that part 90 cherokee

I did the swap unplug and plug that's it



BY the way I just redid my battery wire


1 going to the starter

1 going to the power relay

1 ground to engine mount/frame

1 power relay to alt


could that have messed it up? seems all good acording to the HAYNES

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The wiring is different from '87 to '88, and again from '88 to late '89, so Haynes probably isn't the best possible source. So if you used a '90 harness, you don't have a C101 connector to worry about -- although that wouldn't affect power into the harness.


Begin at the beginning, Grasshopper. Power runs from the battery to the main power connector stud on the starter relay. From there, you should have a #8 red going to the starter solenoid, and several fusible link wires. The fusible links should be (according to my 1988 factory electrical manual) a green #18 that transitions to a red #12 feeding the ignition switch, and a #12 blue that transitions to a #8 red and connects to the alternator.


The fuel pump relay and the ECM both get power through the same fusible link. That one is an Orange #20 that transitions to a red # 14. It splits into four, a #14 red feeding the fuel pump relay, a red feeding the TCU (note says "with auto trans only" so I don't know if your harness will have it), a #16 red feeding the ECU, and a #14 red leading to connector C106 -- whatever the heck that is.

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Terminal B7 on the ECU. It should be a red wire feeding it. It's labeled "BAT" on the schematic -- dunno if it'll be marked that way on the ECU. According to the plug diagrams, B7 is in the smaller, rectangular plug, that has two rows of 12 pins. B7 is the bottom row, with #1 at lower left and #12 at lower right. (Lower refers to the smooth edge, not the edge with the snap fittings on it).

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well I'm a idiot :doh:


what's the main difference between an electrical pump and a mechanical pump

the power that goes to it ...........


where does the power come from ...... the ECU

where does the ECU take the power..... the ignition switch


what is the only part that I kept from the comanche ......... the steering column


I just bought the cherokee ignition switch and guess what ......I got power :thwak:

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