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found a 89 short box


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Well it was not much to look at. the box is almost shoot or the PO should be... the tranny will only go into first gear, someone took a d35 out of an Xj and swaped it into the MJ. sad thing is they cut the perches and welded them on so its on top of the springs.. now if that was not enough the housing is not centerd at all. they have a bike chaine holding the springs togeather and they added a leaf that had just been cut at the ends to fit and its all lop sided in the pack.. motor sounds good for some 360K Kilomiters on it. it was an 87 not 89 like ad said it was but, it had a great total black int not a rip in the bench seat. floor was redone with tin and roofing tar... oh well I can't see me trying to restore that thing...


Now the best part of the day was on my way to see this thing I saw this 91 with a 4.5 lift.. talkd to the owner for a bit. he just got it about 6 months back. he loves it. it came the way it is but he has plans for more mods.. I told him about the site and how great you guys are with info and jokes.....

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no thats it. I have a great engine and tranny I can slap in their and a d44 ready to go. I want to do the 4 door poject I was thinking if I could get it for a good price I could use the box and sell the rest off..the more I think about it the more I am going to find a all black int or spry mine with the proper spray to make it all black.... it looks great.

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He should pay you to take it out of his yard.


Sheesh! I hope somebody will rescue it from the scrap heap, but it ain't worth 500 clams. The one I bought out of the local wrecking yard for $100 is in much better shape than that.

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Well I was told a guy that wans it fr a mud truck is realy thinking of buying it.. well it might be ok once fixed up... he wants to know if I will sell an engine and trany...

yes the rollbar and the umpers on the green MJ are sweet looking. not something I would do put thats what caught my eye when I went by it. then I noticed the JEEP on the tailgate..lol

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