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Is urgent action required?


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Does anybody have any info on the 'Cash for Clunker' buzz in Washington? It seems that the wheels in their minds are turning. How do they save the auto industry? Create incentives for people to buy new. At first thought you think okay, I'll trade some junk in and get cash or tax relief and a new car (how about multicar trade?) They don't understand the hobbiest mind. In order to make the plan effective the trades must be destroyed. Many hobbiest won't comply, however, the problem will be evrything gets more expensive to maintain.

This isn't free market, it's controlled market. Instead of having the industry evolve into what is required, we will try to rescue it with poor products. These ideas have been tried before but this time the mood is different. Are we going to burn down houses to jump start the housing industry?

Any thoughts

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For all the rhetoric about the Yoo Ess of Ay being a capitalist, free market economy -- it's a myth. This country has had artificial price supports for years for things like milk and dairy products, soy products, etc. And we manipulate other agricultural markets by paying "farmers" not to grow certain crops.


I don't know what the answer is for the economy, but one thing I am fairly sure of ... it ain't gonna get better in an hurry, no mater what they try in Washington,. And the more they meddle with it, the longer the recovery will take.

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