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speedo not working

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I just finished swapping in a gauge cluster from an 89 XJ into my 89MJ. Everthing seems to be fine (temp gauge working; oil gauge around 20 at stop and 42 while driving) except my speedo isnt working. I pulled the cable pretty far out to get to it. Is there a chance I dislodged it from the speedo gear or do you think i broke the cable or the gear?

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Disconnect the cable from transfer case(if 4wd) and take a look to see how much of the shaft is exposed. The inner part of the cable might have slid towards one end or the other while you were changing things around. Its possible to push it back and get it working correctly.

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Is there a chance I dislodged it from the speedo gear?
Yes...there is a very good chance that you did just that. I did exactly that when I swapped mine too :wall:


Simple to check & fix...just unscrew the cable from the t-case and check it. If it is not in the right place, fix it and screw it back together. It takes all of 2 minutes ;) :D .

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I took out the speedo gear and reseated that; then I undid the bolt behend that and made sure the cable was inserted into the end of the speedo gear. Still nothing. What should I do next?


When I first give it gas the needle seems to "float" up to about five and then drops back down. Is it possible the cable went in at the top of the sleeve?

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I guess it's possible that there is something wrong with the speedo that you put in. It sounds like you have done the right things to insure that the cable is connected, so I would start being suspicious of the speedo itself.


Not quite sure how to test that. I can only imagine that it might be possible to use a drill with a small screw driver bit or something similar in it to stick in the back and spin it to see if it works???

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Thats my next course of action. Pull the dash apart and see if the speedo itself is broken. I took it out to reset the odometer to match my original cluster.


The odometer is working if that means anything

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Didn't know that could still work with out the speedo working?


Perhaps just the tech is broke.


The tach works too. Just the speedo that isnt working. I took out the speedo to reset the odometer, so I'm wondering if i some how messed up the needle.


Can I swap the speedo in from my old cluster? I don't see why it would be a problem.

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