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Belt squealing ... finally found the problem

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Ever since I bought the MJ about 14 - 15 months ago now, it has had a terrible belt squealing problem. I have put 4 new belts on it and with every new belt it would quiet down for a couple weeks and then start again. At one point I found the lower radiator hose was leaking just a little bit and it was going right on the belt so I thought that was the problem. I replaced the hose, put on another new belt, but the noise came back again.


I replaced the water pump, the idler pulley and yeat another belt, but the noise still came back. I just gave up on it after that and have lived with it for several months now as it would only make noise in the morning when first started and the noise went away in just a few miles when the engine got hot.


Well...while working on it the other day, I noticed a slight wobble in the power steering pulley so I took a closer look. It appears the it has been changed before, but obviously not with the correct tools. It looked more like someone used a hammer to install it so it was bent and out of line. I purchased a new pulley, borrowed the puller and installer tools from a tech at work and repalced the pulley this weekend while waiting for the paint on the new bumper to dry and...


...WAHLAH...!!! No more belt sqealing!! :banana: :clapping: :D

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When I first bought my truck it had a rattle under the hood. Popped the hood and noticed the water pump pulley was wobbling. I remember the PO telling me he had recently replaced the water pump and radiator because they got damaged from when he hit a deer.


Turned out only half the screws were there.

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i have a whine coming from one of the pulleys under the hood that makes the thing sound like it has a turbo. not a bad sound to have when i first bought the thing but now is it ever annoying. i'm going to have to talk to some people about getting a replacement pully, as the PO thought it was coming from the air conditioner - looking under the hood i count one... two... two appliances: alternator and water pump. no ac. :thwak:

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it would quiet down for a couple weeks and then start again.


* * *


I purchased a new pulley, borrowed the puller and installer tools from a tech at work and repalced the pulley this weekend while waiting for the paint on the new bumper to dry and...


...WAHLAH...!!! No more belt sqealing!! :banana: :clapping: :D


You say that now. But just wait a couple of weeks. :brows:

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I still have a bit of scepticism in me, but I am trying to be positive. The sqealing was pretty bad and all I did was change a pulley this time...not the belt. Every other time I made a change I installed a new belt too so we'll see. It gets expensive with the belts being $30 - $35 each... :roll:

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Well... :headpop:


I went out this morning and fired it up and guess what...sqeek, sqeek, sqeek... :roll: This was the first cold morning (56*) we have had in a while and that's when it always does it. It's a very small squeal, but it's there and it is really irritating me. It goes away as soon as the engine warms up just as before though.


It's coming from the water pump pulley as far as I can tell so maybe I need to try replacing that next... :dunno: I am gonna try sticking the puller on the PS pulley again and pulling it out about another 1/8" or so as it looks like I may have pushed it on a touch too far.

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Well... :headpop:


I went out this morning and fired it up and guess what...sqeek, sqeek, sqeek... :roll: This was the first cold morning (56*) we have had in a while and that's when it always does it. It's a very small squeal, but it's there and it is really irritating me. It goes away as soon as the engine warms up just as before though.


It's coming from the water pump pulley as far as I can tell so maybe I need to try replacing that next... :dunno: I am gonna try sticking the puller on the PS pulley again and pulling it out about another 1/8" or so as it looks like I may have pushed it on a touch too far.


Ouch! Sorry about that!

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I am gonna try sticking the puller on the PS pulley again and pulling it out about another 1/8" or so as it looks like I may have pushed it on a touch too far.
I did this last night and the sqealing stopped again so we'll see what happens in a few days. I did have the pulley pushed on too far as it was about 1/8" in past being flush with the end of the shaft and it is supposed to be flush.
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