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AW4 Transmission

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What does the fluid look like?  Is it dark brown, or does it have some reddish coloration still?


If it's dark brown, and fluid change (or two) might help the situation.    The first change should probably entail taking down the pan, and looking to see what kind of crud is on the bottom of the pan and the magnets on the inside surface.   Trans fluid is supposed to be highly detergent, and should keep non-metallic crud in suspension for the most part.    


A healthy transmission should only have a very light film of stuff on the bottom surface of the pan.  This is mostly composed of clutch material that settles out.   If the pan is coated to the point that you cannot see the silver surface of the pan bottom, that's concerning.  


Metallic stuff (of which there should be VERY little on a healthy transmission) should stick to the magnets in the pan.  It normal to have a fine coating of "paste" covering the magnets, but no chunks and no bright slivers.


Since the pan only drains about 3.5 quarts at a time, you might have to drain, refill and run it and then repeat the processs several times to get as much new clean fluid as you can into the machine.


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