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Due to the nature in how I built my computer and given windows 10 being an unstable OS, my computer is down currently. I’ve been working on it since Monday to get it to read the OS from a BSOD. Currently looking at the boot screen right now with the little dots spinning in a circle(progress). I’ll update this thread as I get back up and running. 

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I have posted a question in the pub about my PC. It looks like my hard drive PCB has a failed capacitor, it seems like the hard drive does it’s initial boot but the BIOS will not detect it. Funny, the DOS type system on the board detects it but says the OS is missing and swapping to another PC or even putting windows 10 on another drive won’t see the hard drive.  I suspect a failed PCB. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My PC is still down. Had a new donor board for the hard drive come in and the drive didn’t want to stay powered up. Waiting on some more boards. I’ll probably get on my wife’s computer so I don’t have to set up a new hard drive on my tower and get the VINs taken care of. Sorry for the inconvenience new members. 

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