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Need Data

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Looking for torque charts in response to the thread about towing capacity, I discovered that I don't seem to have any horsepower/torque charts for either the Renix or early HO 4.0L engines (or any of the 2.5L engines, for that matter). Worse, they don't seem to be available on the Internet.


If any of you have any older Jeep literature that includes power graphs, I would very much like to get a scan or a photo so I can enter the data into a spreadsheet and create a set of graphs that are all the same size and scale so we can have them for comparison purposes. Ideally, I'd like graphs for the XJ or MJ -- I think the values are a bit different for the same engines in the YJ and TJ due to exhaust differences. But ... more data is better than less data, so I'll take anything I can get. If you have anything, drop me a PM and I'll give you an e-mail address to which to send it.



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Yes, and no. Or ... maybe.


Yes, in that I can certainly read off the data, enter it on a spreadsheet, and chart it the same as the one I have already done. I guess I'll have to look up the formula for computing horsepower from torque, and see how that works out.


Is this from yours, Don? What's the source of the stock readings? Ideally, I'm looking for factory numbers in order to compare different years on an even footing, but it would also be interesting to compare a real world example against the factory numbers to see how much the factory fudged the numbers.


I'm having trouble reading it, though. Where is 1,000 RPM -- is it midway from zero to the first tick on the X axis (where the number is entered), or is the first tick 1,000 RPM?

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  On 3/16/2016 at 1:01 PM, Eagle said:

Is this from yours, Don? What's the source of the stock readings? Ideally, I'm looking for factory numbers in order to compare different years on an even footing, but it would also be interesting to compare a real world example against the factory numbers to see how much the factory fudged the numbers.


I'm having trouble reading it, though. Where is 1,000 RPM -- is it midway from zero to the first tick on the X axis (where the number is entered), or is the first tick 1,000 RPM?


That's just a dyno sheet I grabbed off the internet - one out of many in the first link I posted. And no, it's not my stroker; my numbers are higher than that.  :yes:

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