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Bed Bolts/Studs/Nuts.

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Ok, getting ready to take this bed off the parts Jeep ('89 SB), and I can only find 6 bolts/studs, and I heard there's supposed to be 8. So far, on each side, I have one stud all the way forward, one bolt just ahead of the rear axle, and one stud at the very rear. I see a hole in the frame just behind the rear axle, but doesn't seem to be anything there. Now, I should mention, I haven't dropped the tank yet, so, I know that still has to come. Am I missing another set of studs/bolts? Thanks!



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Thanks, really appreciate that. If I'm looking at this right, there are only 6 bolts/studs holding the bed on, right? If that is the case, I got them all, just need to drop the tank, unplug the wiring and fuel lines, and e-brake adjuster, and the bed should come off.



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