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question on front coils

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Got a 89 Comanche. It has a bad rake look. Back is 4 inches higher than front at top of wheel wells. From middle of front axle to bottom of fender is 13 1/2 inches, back is 17 1/2 inches. To get it looking right or better would 4 1/2 inch bigger coils work ? If to high what rear shackles would I use to get it right.

89 Comanche is a 4.0, auto,2wd, long bed

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Measure the rude height according to the article in the DIY section. Then, you can choose the proper coils to get the look you want.


With that said, if your rear is 4 inches higher than the front, grab a set of 3 inch 4WD XJ coils and ypus should be pretty close to even, assuming both front and rear are still within factory spec'd height.

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I agree with benji_26. The MJ is supposed to have some rake when empty in the back. Unless you measure front and rear by the factory method, you don't really know how yours compares to factory specs.


Be sure to measure both sides and average the result, front and rear. If one corner is way off from the opposite side, look for a broken leaf.

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