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No Electrical Power

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Here is my issue, I blew my head gasket, which has been fixed but when I tried starting it there was no power to the dash, head light, fuel pump etc. I can spin the motor over and have spark it will run for a few seconds on starter spray. I only have a Haynes manual so you know how much that helps.  


Now here is what I have done/ replaced: replace the starter relay, both relays next to the starter relay, checked all the fusable links, made sure the battery ha a full charge.


tested the fuse box have power going to the batt side until I turn the key on then I loose power, with the key on I have no power at the fuse box.


just as a whim I tried starting the engine and for a second I had power- I heard a click then lost power once again.



I hope there is enough info here please post any questions


might help if I told yall the year and engine size lol


1989 Comanche 2.5 TBI

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ok reading further into the forum I'm thinking that it might be the ignition switch. Is there any way to test the switch or is it replace with a known good one? :idea:


if they made the wiring diagrams like they do for motorcycles this would be ALOT easier

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Update; the only thing the ignition switch did was now when I turn the key on I get a blip of power. looked up a wiring schematic for an 88 (I have an 89) that was posted on the forums, sorry I don't remember who posted it but thanks it is alot better then what comes out of the Haynes book.Is there any tests out there for the ECU? Or is there a "main" breaker/fuse that I should be looking for. Also after reading the renix upgrades I plan on doing the ground mods that are in there. 

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88 yes as you turn the key and spray into the TB it starts for a second, Dillithium I have to recant my statement to your post up above I thought I tested all of my grounds but as a lesson learned when using brand new bolts make sure you have the correct size this way when the bolt is tight and that is where the braided wire ground is it actually makes contact. I dug through the forums trying to find somewhere else to look and I don't remember the members name but the title of the post is "dead comanche" that post and another one talking about running and ground wire from the batt to the radiator mount are how I found the problem. for others who read this that are having problems similar remember CHECK YOUR GROUNDS!!!!!!!   :doh:  :doh:  :doh: 

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