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How Do I Put My Drive Shaft Back In?

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My drive shaft fell out of my 1987 2.5L, 4 speed while I was towing the truck home. I just picked it up off the side of the road and threw it in the bed. I know I will need to refill the transmission fluid since it all spilled out on the hghway, I just don't know what I need to do in order to get it back in correctly.


Also the end that goes in the transmission is starting to rust. Should I lightly sand the rust off with some sand paper?

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First examine your drive shaft (you say it fell off in motion) is it bent? Dented? Roll it on a flat surface (like one does with a pool cue) to see if it is straight (note** you might have weight on it that prevent a complete roll but try you best.....we will come back to the weights later.


Now go down to you nearest auto parts store and pick up a new rear u-joint with the retaining straps and new bolts. (most good kits come withe the bolts pre-loaded with blue loctight) and if you want a new rear trans seal.




Remove the old bolts and straps from the rear yoke....remove the c- clips and the bearing cups so that you can take out the u-joint and replace it (u-joint replacement has been covered here....search it or google it most rear joints are the same.......Note**** you may need a press or at the very least a good bench vise.)



Remove the old seal and install the new.(same advice for that procedure this is for a t-case but the procedure is the same)


Once you have the new joint installed sand the end like you say and slide it into the trans.... and bolt install your new straps in the rear yoke to hold in your new joint... fill the trans with the correct fluid to the correct level.....here is were the weights come in.....originally the drive shaft was balanced....you will have a 50/50 chance of getting it back on right.....once assembled take it for a test drive.....any noticeable vibration? If not good for you.....if so take the straps off and rotate the shaft 180 and re bolt......sill vibrating? you might have bent the shaft or knocked off a weight (now you need either a new one or a shop that can straighten and re-balance) if you do not have any vibration good for you.


Last tip after the test drive .....re-tighten the bolts in the retaining straps and top up with oil again....good to go   . :MJ 1: .

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