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89 2.5L 4X4 No Brake Lights

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I have been replacing the entire interior(dash, seats, so on and so fourth). I noticed the other day that the brake lights were not working. Changed bulbs and fuse nothing. I recently bought this truck so for the life of me can't remember if the brake lights were working before the interior work. My question is did I miss a wire or a ground when switching out the dash?

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yup.  or a poorly spliced in trailer harness.  or even corrosion in the harness connector located right behind the drivers side rear tire.  had that one happen to me.


gotta track the electricity and see where it stops. :thumbsup: 

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Your brake switch might just be out of line. The 89' year brake switch ingages by position instead of pressure. If it isnt coming on, then take the switch out and put two small peices of duck tape on the flat peice of the switch. I had to do this on mine when I did my dual diaphram brake booster upgrade. The flat peice I mentioned is just before the white plastic spacer where the screw goes through the middle.



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