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Fuel Gauge

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I don't have any explanations, bu twould like to add to the thread.

I am having a simlar issue with my gauge, from full to below half it reads fine then is unreliable below half. I found this out on the way home from work, gas light come onand 10 minutes later was on the side of the road out of gas!!!

I know I have a solid 45 mins from when the light comes on until I am on fumes. (only did that once, two years ago)

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I havent taken out the sending unit. I think it is from my freinds jumping around in the bed of my truck.

Not exactly sure how that would affect the fuel level your guage is reading? Unless its only off when they're moving around back there? In which case...thats pretty much the only reason why its off is because liquid moves, therefore the float moves, etc.

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Maybe the float is stuck?

Somethings going on with the float, I would assume. maybe just gunk  in the tank that got around the sending unit or something, or possibly a bad connection or ground? I'd check all the connections at the sending unit before taking it all out, just my .02

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