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Ball Joint Replacement- Need Some Help

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I undertook ball joint replacement in my '88 MJ, making use of a few oddball posts on other (XJ) forums for guidance.  Even with those and the Haynes, I still had some minor snags. 


Because of that, I am working on my own How-to in an attempt to help other owners, but in an ironic twist, I need some clarification before I finish my how-to-replace-ball-joints post.  I don't drive the MJ too often and right now it is parked until I get this straightened out, but I need to drive it this coming weekend.


So in the course of the ball joint replacement, I removed the passenger side axle without complications and there was a small amount of gear oil that drained out of the axle tube when I removed the inner shaft.  What was that?  Was it inside of the differential?  ANd how/where do I replace the fluid?


To ease the install of the axle I used a small amount of 75/90 as lubricant but for actual driving I want to be certain that I have the right fluid in the right place and with the right volume.



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I wouldn't worry about that little bit of oil.  There is a coupling sleeve between the outer shaft (shown in photo) and the inner shaft.  There is about 2 oz of oil where the vacuum motor controls the coupling sleeve on the right side, the front diff. should sling oil back up in there when you start driving.  Your outer seal on the right side must be working good if it leaked only after you pulled the axle out!  My front diff was leaking out the right side every time I parked it on right leaning slope, I had to change my seal, problem solved. 


If you look at your photo you can see where the seal runs on that shinny area down by the splines.  Your 75/90 lube did not hurt when putting it back together. 

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Just a little diff fluid.   Probably not enough to be worried about, but when you go to put the shaft back in you will probably have to remove your CAD and align the shift collar.   When you're all done you can check your front diff fluid when the truck is siting on it's own weight on level ground.   


pull plug in front diff.   gear oil should drip out the whole when full. 

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