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Single Layer Paint Removal, Please Help!

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Hey yall, as some of you might know i got a 1990 MJ pioneer. well it was white from the factory, and the PO decided to rattle can it orange, i don't mind rattle can paint jobs, but I'm not a fan of orange, it has started to chip in some areas, and i took off the fender flares and found out he spray painted the jeep with them on,


Now my question needing help.


Does anyone know a way to only pull the spray paint off, without damaging the underneath factory white. please any help...

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Sometimes you can do it with paint reducer,depending how good the spray paint is and whether they sanded the truck first reducer might lift it without damaging the original paint much.


After you scrub off the spray paint allow the left over reducer to dry completely then you can wet sand or use rubbing compound to restore the finish.


It would be a lot of work,your best bet would be to just sand it down and repaint it.

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