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Aircon Sevice Port???

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The old system used a different refrigerant than what you are trying to install. I think its R12, which is no longer available. You probably have a r134a refill canister. And obviously if you can't hook up to it, youll need adapter fittings. But if you still have old refrigerant in the sytem and top it with the new style, you might have problems. WHat you really need is to take it to a shop experienced inACconversions, have the fittings installed and the system evacuated of all old refrigerant and refrigerant oil. To do that, it needs to be in a vacuum for a long period of time, In a case like this I generally like to have it under vacuum for between 90 minutes and 2 hours. This will boil all old oil out of the sytem so that you won't have issues with the old stuff. It is also good practice to install a new receiver dryer as well when doing this so you have new dessicant in the system. It will cost more having it done this way, but I think it will pay off. Good luck!

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Just doing the same thing on my truck. You can get what you need at napa. Oil -pag  dryer about $27 2 cans r134a and a kit with the fittings so you can put in the new oil and 134a. $11 for fittings. I took off the compressor to drain the old oil out  and install the fittings . On my 91 the lower port is the low pressure line has a S on the back of the compressor  stands for suction the top one is high pressure has a d for discharge just had a lesson on the valves  they are 3way you can see an explanation on my thread. everyone has been a big help to me thanks again.

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no parts # but all you need to know is the year of your truck and they will be able to get you the right parts. they were not in stock for my 91 but they were in the dis center so I got them the next day. That is the dryer the service port adapters were in the store. One thing to look out for, just got mine going and it seems my cooling system may be on the weak side my truck ran hot today with the ac going for a teaching lesson with my youngest daughter on driving a stick so hope yours is in better shape. good luck!

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