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Tps - Renix Vs. Ho

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Since I swapped the AW4 into the MJ I have not had "passsing gear" or "kickdown".  I know this is a TPS issue but since I swapped a 94 AW4 and a 94 TCU into the 88, do I need the HO TPS or the Renix TPS.


I've tried to adjust it, but I get nothing.  The truck runs good, it shifts fine except for the kickdown issue.  The TV acble is adjusted properly.  It just just goes and goes but there doesn't seem to be ANY interface with the TPS at all when I test it.  The 33 prong flat plug has .02 ohms resistance, solid.  But I get 0.0 with the voltmeter probing the TPS square connector, seriously, zilch.

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There are three solenoids in the AW4; one is for TC lockup. Have you checked the solenoid(s) resistance with an ohmmeter? This can be done w/o pulling the tranny pan by disconnecting the cable that runs from the TCU to the AW4 behind the engine; it's a white connector. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you the AW4 manual that shows the pinouts.

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  On 6/17/2013 at 6:53 PM, ParadiseMJ said:

Thanks Don,


You already sent the AW4 manual.  I'm just puzzled why the truck apparently is running fine with the TPS seemingly out of the loop.  Huh!!?


I did?   :doh:  I'd still check the kickdown solenoid resistance to eliminate it from the equation.

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The AW4 uses the same type of signal regardless. The difference in HO vs Renix as far as TPS is that the Renix engine side TPS works backwards from all the others.


Using my instructions, test the trans side of the TPS. Then, use an analog meter and sweep the throttle through it's range and see if the upper half of your TPS is dropping out so to speak.

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