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There is also the fact that personal bias will enter the picture. A police chief and/or DA can have an effect on charges. If a DA has a bias against guns he will push for charges and conviction. A pro gun DA will take the very same case and drop it or go for lesser charges.

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The DA in this county is a glad hander all the way who sucks up to the money.  Every move he makes is to promote his re-election.  What ever issue is hot, he'll find a way to make an example of them and then say "Look what I  did". 


There was a young man (18) who shot his step-father after he repeatedly beat the kid's mother, broke both her arms, smashed up the bones in her face and basically crippled her. She always dropped the charges.  He also beat the kid and his sister as they  growing up and at one point shot and killed their dog when he was drunk and high on meth.


So the kid shot the old man in the face when the step dad got home and killed him, on Mother's Day.  The local (town) law enforcement community said "Yay". but the anti-gun folks demanded that the kid get prosecuted.  This was WAY before the Sandy Hook & Aurora things, and personally, the kid did the right thing, BUT the wrong way...the step dad was total scum, but the kid got sent up the river for 25 to life for IMHO "doing the right thing".

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One thing i have been told is that if there is a home invasion and you believe your life is in danger, shoot without a warning and empty the gun. That will be considered proof that you were in fear for your life. If you warn the invader that you will shoot if they do not leave, it can be construed as premeditation and raise questions that you had options. Make sure you put the invader down permanently so that he and some left wing lawyer can't sue you for his injuries, pain and suffering, etc. His family may come after you, but there will be no one to refute your testimony.

I go back to the old saying - "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six".

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