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Fuel Tank, Inline Pump Issues

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Truck is an 86 2.8, original carb, electric inline pump

Just burnt up my third electric fuel pump, leaving me stranded on the side of the road. I know for sure i need to drop the tank to clean it out, because its sucking crap into the line and blocking it. Dropping the tank is pretty straightforward, but what can i do to clean it out, rust reform? or what would be a compatable swap?

Also does anyone have any experience with holley inline pumps that could  point me in the right direction?

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The best thing I have found to clean out a tank is Acetone. Doesn't clean out rust, just varnish. Best thing I have found for rust is KOH and hot water. NaOH will also work. Potassium Hydroxide and sodium Hydroxide are very caustic and extremely noxious, so take appropriate cautions. It will clean out the tank like it was hot tanked.


Inline pumps last longer with a filter before the pump.

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The best thing I have found to clean out a tank is Acetone. Doesn't clean out rust, just varnish. Best thing I have found for rust is KOH and hot water. NaOH will also work. Potassium Hydroxide and sodium Hydroxide are very caustic and extremely noxious, so take appropriate cautions. It will clean out the tank like it was hot tanked.


Inline pumps last longer with a filter before the pump.

Pump has 2 filters before it. One screws into pump, the other is a clear in line i added after the second one burnt up. Will the KOH/NaOH help remove rust? Is there any type of rust reformer i could coat the tank with to make it last longer?
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