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D35 To D44 Swap Parts & Supplies Questions

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I have a leaky drum brake on a D35 in my 91 Comanche, and I also have a D44 with recently redone brakes just sitting in the shed. I'd like to swap in the D44 this weekend but I want to make sure I have all the necessary parts. I'll be picking up new u bolts and brake fluid today, is there anything else I'll be needing? I'm pretty horrible for forgetting small parts during jobs like this, and the closest parts store is a couple miles away. Sucks to walk to.

I am aware of the 1 inch difference between the axles. I can shorten the driveshaft myself if it's required, but I've measured it out and it looks like I shouldn't need to.

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if it isnt comanche specific you need to re-weld the leaf spring perches and shock mounts

other than that everything is plug and play pull the axle out, put the axle in,

bolt er down and bleed the brakes and hook up the e-brake cables





ohh yea,

the D44 u bolts are bigger than the D35,

i got mine made up but they made them for a D35,

u can make it work, its just hard work :P

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